Tag Archives: butternut squash

What to do with Butternut Squash?

We get a weekly box of veggies and fruit from a local California CSA called Farm Fresh To You. It’s local, seasonal and fresh and gets delivered right to our door step. I love it and try to work with what mother nature gives me. The only thing is, it can accumulate.

The other day, we had several butternut squashes accumulated and I had to find something I could do with them. To be honest, I am not so keen on their taste so I find it quite challenging.

So here’s what I ended up making:

1. Jamie Oliver’s butternut squash muffins (find the recipe here)

2. Butternut squash soup (from Mark Bittman’s How To Cook Everything)
I added some chickpeas and sauteed mushrooms on top

3. Butternut Squash bread (with Jamie Oliver’s recipe for the muffins but baked for about an hour)

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Filed under food/nutrition, green/sustainability